Friday, October 3, 2014

 "The great city lies trembling, panting, quivering in her wild, white heat of intoxication, excitement, madness, drunken and devilish pursuits of power, pleasure, and gold."(miller some page number)
Now sounds like a intro to a adolescent teen movie where these students are trying to have a good ass time in times square but instead run into doctor doom  and the sinister six. which sounds like a movie i would watch but that's not the point

What the quote from the passage is indicting is that there is more then just a city here. Its a city, indulged in its ecstasy of high unknowing to it that there is a epidemic running rampant and running wild because its lies
 engulfed in unawareness . This isn't just any epidemic that is spreading in the city. These are plagues of self interest pushed and motivated by its pursuits of vices which is afflicting upon the city as a whole. In that quote a word that stands out for me is the fact that the city is know as a her as if it is being represented as a female. The ideal  people associate a female are with words like faithful, beauty, graceful, kind, and etc. But what happens when you take those words out and replace it  with words such as "intoxication" or "drunken". The result is she becomes exotic ,wild, engaged in her on desire but the downfall is that she is vulnerable making herself open for any attack of any form or matter that can be considered an evil intent against her will and she is defenseless against these acts and all she can do is tremble and quiver in her exhaustion while the pursuit of vices have ran amok of a strain on her possessing the strength of power and motivation of madness . Which is the case and point of this quote i may add so dearly

(now this is the part where i have no clue to little of what i am doing here)

that whole paragraph of awesomeness right there relates to the second chapter of the book the destruction of Gotham by bruce wayne because that whole chapter is of a girl who is lost in her own self with little to no direction,she is torn up from the floor up chased by some wild evil wicked step grandmother throughout a city ..which presents itself to the reader as a hopeless place for her. There is no safe point for her to run to, nothing is ever what it seems and everyone is in it for themselves focused on there own self interest like the authority and the evil step grandmother cause they want to use the girl for evil intent against her will. A quote that stick and relates to the quote up top to me due to the nature of tone               and characteristics of unawareness is "This girl did not know whether or not she was being borne in the right direction, yet she could have not ask anyone in the dense crowd if it had been to save her life and would anyone had stop to answer if she had?" (wayne 20)


kiite kudasatte arigatou(thank you for listening) :D