Monday, November 17, 2014

Da struggle be too real better the experience of you reading this blog as in you the reader ..i decided to add a music video to the mix.not thats its needed but i wanted to try my hand at something seeing as how i have a extreme interest in doing work after 1am.most likely to help with having a easy through reading thingy as i will explain if you choose to ask me about this but going on to the point


so this book,may day...which is like the most funniest yet depressing book about characters who intersect in the story lines is of most interest to me rather then the usually "fight the power morals of govt" which honestly bores me

now i want to share info on what i like about this book really the element that makes it good and what im going to try to be serious on through the character sternitt.. which is the alcohol and the jazz.these two go hand and hand cause this is whats popping during that time.the characters get sauced(drunk or etc) cause he was trying to have a good time...but to add escape something.he want to escape  his problems ,indulge in other senses and try to have a ball which is what jazz is for..when you listen to music at the state i speak want to forget about your woes so you try to have a blast. jazz as very technically progressive as it is ...doesnt at all have to be in order or constructive.jazz can be very random,wild,crazy or frantic and that's how sternit goes on for in this whole is not possible for him to have any fun at having a blast.the henney got him messed up but more so his problems are consuming him..eating him a whole.his problems are not allowing him to escape so see it when he interacts with stella as he cant even try to hold a convo none the less please her as she wants to be going back to about his problems.. as you see his problems..they have control of him..they have the wheel.he crashed and burned with stella so this now adds insult to salt on the know he mad salty right now.he tries to ignore it by doing hoodrat odd future wolf gang type hooligan stuff with dean such as being a meance,stealing,being loud,trying to have blast but it doesnt work wanna know why...when people drink they are usually either trying to have a good time with that sunday night football cause there is a good time to be had.but drinking out of sorrow of saddened state of your emotions will never solve anything.sternit realized this cause once he got off the effects of being in a altered state of drunkness and came to the realization of what his life was still an forever ,being "married" to a woman he had only wanted to "hit it and quit it",losing every chance he ever had with stella, and back to the point where he has failed himself as a person cause he is broke and jobless and lacks any skill to do he decides to end it....he shoots himself...whats very important is that the moment he shoots himself was the only time he gets control .through out the whole book as i said,,someone is steering his wheel for matter who it is ..this was the only time he got control but sadly it lead to his demise as foreshadowed when he was told he is the end he doesnt care about trying to better his postion,doesnt care about accepting his reality, all he cares about is taking back control..and once he had it..he took it

i realized i wrote alot

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